Monday, August 25, 2008

MOTOTRBO Application Developers Summit

Motorola announce today the details of the MOTOTRBO Application Developers Summit. This event will take place at the Renaissance Hotel in Plantation, Florida on September 24 and 25. If you are into two way radios, this sounds like a really good event.

I've mentioned before in several articles about the MOTOTRBO, that its platform allows for expandability. Analog radios have always been basically "what you see is what you get". Two way radios haven't changed a lot over the years. In fact, HermsDigital recently wrote a post about the changes in radios over the past 3 years.

The MOTOTRBO, on the other hand, is like Facebook, where you can build applications to customize your needs. An example of a MOTOTRBO application is a telemetry system, which sends data and instructions over a wireless network. A more granular example would be having an electronic door open when the radio is nearby.

This conference sounds like a lot of fun. I am interested in how creative engineers have gotten with MOTOTRBO applications.

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